Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How the World Will Try to Stop You

The other day, I watched a recorded lecture on Google Video by University of Waterloo Economics Professor Larry Smith entitled "How the World Will Try to Stop You and Your Idea". The lecture was given to students interested in entrepreneurship with the goal of advising them on how to overcome resistance.

The points that I took away from the lecture were:

  • Entrepreneurs, especially young ones, are often given mixed messages. They are encouraged to change the world but when they try to are told that they won't be successful.
  • The vast majority of people are busy beyond belief. While it may seem like most are incapable of substantive thought, the fact of the matter is that they are simply too busy to do so.
  • Because they are too busy, most people rarely listen closely. This means that their feedback is very superficial and shouldn't be taken seriously.
  • Common criticisms are "it's been tried before" and "it won't work". It's important to counter these comments with probative questions like "when was it tried?" and "why not?". A lack of response indicates a baseless criticism. The rare factual response may provide useful information to refine the idea.
  • Young entrepreneurs are often told to get more experience, earn their "spurs", wait their turn, and suffer a few failures before starting a venture. This implies that entrepreneurs should get more degrees, work in a big company for 15 years, and wait until their forties to start a company. This is nonsense, history is full of examples of young, inexperienced people changing the world.
  • Instead of fighting resistance, avoid it. Don't tell anyone what you are really up to. Keep your own counsel and only tell people what they need to know. The best way to change the world is to sneak up on it.
  • Ultimately, courage is needed to ignore negative feedback. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to acquire it.

Regrettably, one of the two cameras used to record the lecture had a faulty audio connection. As a result, parts of the recording are not understandable. It's a shame that the audio from the working camera wasn't dubbed into the recording to fix the problem. Regardless, the talk is still worth listening to for the audio that is understandable.

I found many of Professor Smith's comments insightful and in-line with my experiences. For example, I've spent the majority of my career in advanced development and have heard the "it won't work" and "it's been tried before" feedback almost daily. Professor Smith's talk helped me realize that I now reflexively ask the "why" and "when" follow up questions. As he indicated, the criticism is often either outdated or baseless.

I also often run into the too-busy-to-think dilemma and presently spend the majority of my time supporting long-running campaigns to gradually get people to recognize and embrace innovative opportunities. These campaigns can be a lengthy process but the alternative is rash decisions based on limited thought which I think causes more harm than good.

Although I don't like to admit it, I have allowed myself to fall victim to the "need more experience" feedback more than once - sometimes it was even self-generated after working alongside extremely talented colleagues. The result, I now have multiple degrees and 14 years experience working in a large company. The good news is that I am approaching my forties so perhaps "my time" is nearing! Humor aside, I now recognize that focus and persistence are often more important for success than experience. That said, I strongly believe in continuous self-development and am always eager to obtain new knowledge and experiences. I think it's a matter of keeping a healthy balance between humility and hubris.

In summary, I really enjoyed this lecture. Professor Smith is clearly very thoughtful about many topics and passionate about helping students - both were inspiring to watch. If you have the time, I recommend seeing it for yourself.

A few years ago, I had a similar experience with another of Professor Smith's recorded lectures on the potential of expert systems. That lecture made a significant impression on me and continues to factor into my long-term career goals. I'm presently reading Professor Smith's book on the topic, Beyond the Internet: how expert systems will truly transform business, and look forward to writing its review in a future post.

In the immortal words of Guy Kawasaki, don't let the bozos grind you down!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Recovering Deleted JPEGs from a FAT File System - Part 8

Part 8 in a series of posts on recovering deleted JPEG files from a FAT file system.

In part 7, I demonstrated recovering deleted JPEG files through knowing their pre-deletion location in a FAT file system. In the real use-case of recovering accidentally deleted files, the locations are unknown making this approach impossible.

Recovering deleted files without knowing their location requires a method to find them within the unerased data. In this post, I'll show how the structure of a JPEG file can be used to do just that. Follow the read more link for the full discussion.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Doctor's Computer

Who knew, The Doctor prefers Prime Computers. I love these.

Book Review: The Tinkertoy Computer

The Tinkertoy Computer by A.K. Dewdney.

After reading The Planiverse, I picked up a couple of Dewdney's other books. Published in 1993, this book is a compilation of some of his articles from the periodicals Scientific American and Algorithm.

The book contains 23 chapters organized into four themes. Of them, the following were my favorites:

Theme One: Matter Computes

  • Chapter 1: The Tinkertoy computer - an account of a tinkertoy computer built by Daniel Hillis and others at MIT designed to play Tic-Tac-Toe.
  • Chapter 2: The Rope-and-Pulley Wonder - methods for building boolean logic blocks out of ropes and pulleys.
  • Chapter 6: Dance of the Tur-mites - Turing machines and cellular automata.

Theme Two: Matter Misbehaves

  • Chapter 8: Star Trek Dynamics - implementation details of a 1970s era computer game.
  • Chapter 9: Weather in a Jar - the Lorenz attractor and simple models demonstrating the behavior.
  • Chapter 11: Designer Fractals - iterated function systems and their use for creating fractal patterns.

Theme Three: Mathematics Matters

  • Chapter 13: Mathematical Morsels - a summary of mathematical puzzles by Ross Honsberger.
  • Chapter 14: Golygon City - an introduction to golygons.
  • Chapter 15: Scanning the Cat - a simple algorithm for reconstructing 2-D images from 1-D shadows.
  • Chapter 16: Rigid Thinking - rigidity theory, and flexible nonconvex surfaces.
  • Chapter 17: Automated Math - an algorithm for determining the rules for numerical sequences.

Theme Four: Computers Create

  • Chapter 19: Chaos in A Major - the use of logistic maps to create chaotic music.
  • Chapter 23: Latticeworks by Hand - algorithms for creating lattices.

As you can tell, I more or less enjoyed the entire book. This wasn't surprising given that I bought the book because it touched upon a number of topics that I find very interesting: complexity theory, fractals, math puzzles, physics simulations, geometric patterns, and algorithms.

I was, however, pleasantly surprised by the nostalgia invoked by the simple programs presented in the book. The short, simple BASIC programs reminded me of the many, many hours I spent programming 8bit computers during my adolescence. I still recall the feeling of awe that resulted from seeing simple programs like these produce seemingly "magical" results. Computing was much simpler then but no less rewarding - hopefully short but powerful programs like these aren't becoming a lost art.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dynabook reflections

I'm sure like many others, the recent iPad excitement has led me to think more about Alan Kay's Dynabook concept.

Some think the Dynabook is just a highly portable computer such as a conventional laptop or tablet computer. Kay, however, had a much grander vision - the Dynabook was to be an easy to use and program "instrument" that would allow "children of all ages" to learn experientially through simulation.

Kay and Goldberg's 1977 article, Personal Dynamic Media, briefly discusses the Dynabook as a learning device and their successful results from letting children use the "Interim Dynabook" - otherwise known as the Xerox PARC Alto. Kay explores this topic in greater depth in his talk Doing With Images Makes Symbols. Howard Rheingold discusses the Dynabook's history and potential as a "fantasy amplifier" in greater depth in Chapter 11 of his book Tools for Thought (a great book, available for free online here).

Kay conceived of the Dynabook in 1968 based on a number of influences including:

In his talk at the Computer History Museum's 40th Anniversary of the Dynabook event, Kay does a great job of describing how these works influenced his thinking.

Kay's pursuit of the Dynabook produced many significant innovations like Object Oriented Programming and the overlapping window graphical user interface. It has also been the motivation behind his support of efforts like the One Laptop Per Child program, Squeak project, and EToys learning environment.

Modern technology now makes it possible to build portable computers that strongly resemble the Dynabook's physical form - the iPad is a great example. However, I think little progress has been made towards creating software that realizes the fantasy amplifier vision.

Kay is famous for saying that the computer revolution hasn't happened yet. I tend to agree - current computing seems almost primitive compared to the work cited above. I suspect the vast majority of computers are used today as mechanistic productivity enhancers (office apps), communicators of trivialities (tweets?), and sensory overloading distractions (games, video, etc).

The iPad will certainly be used for the same purposes - in fact Job's specifically profiled these use-cases in his keynote speech. However I think the iPad has the greatest potential in the education space. Transforming textbooks into eBooks is only the first step - the next is to add interactive learning aids like simulations for exploratory experimentation. If (when?) this happens, the Dynabook will finally have come to life.

Perhaps it's time to download the iPad SDK, watch Stanford's iPhone Development class on iTunes, and lend a hand in making the revolution happen.